Bellini e il canone: osservazioni a margine di una nuova fonte autografa

Carlida Steffan


The contribution moves from the discovery of a new autograph source of the quartet for four equal voices, T’intendo sì, mio cor, which can be traced back to Bellini’s years of training at the Conservatoire in Naples. Bellini develops the concise form employed in the already known and published source (19 bars in all), through a play of ‘permutations’ of the four voices. Although incomplete, the new source clearly shows that the model is the ‘canone di società’: on the basis of the coeval theoretical sources, a reconstruction of the entire composition is therefore suggested.

T’intendo sì, mio cor – Vincenzo Bellini’s autographs – Naples Conservatory of Music – canone di società – Vocal and instrumental music

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DOI: 10.17422/ISSN.2283-8716/1064