ANDREA MALNATI, La Gran scena nell’opera italiana (1790-1840)

Gloria Staffieri


The review points out the most important outcomes of Malnati’s study on the structure and evolution of the Gran scena during half a century (1790-1840), before and after the Rossinian age. Examining in depth a form pondered by Marco Beghelli, the author underlines the process of elaboration of the Gran scena in a corpus of 136 operas, paying attention on Rossini’s production in two periods, 1812-13 and 1819-20, and on Donizetti’s mad scenes. Among other conventions, this form seems to be used especially on the occasion of visions, dreams and mental disorders of female characters.


Gran scena – 19th-century Italian Opera – Rossinan Age – Evolution of the morphological structure of the pezzo chiuso – Focus on visions, dreams and mental disorders

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DOI: 10.17422/ISSN.2283-8716/1047