Aggiornamento della bibliografia belliniana (2001-2016)

Daniela Macchione


This bibliography lists periodical articles, books, parts of compositive works, conference proceedings, reviews, theatre programmes about Vincenzo Bellini, his operas and context. The essential bibliographic citations are arranged chronologically; they cover 2001 – September 2016 and are not included in Stephen Willier Research and Information Guide (Routledge, New York and London 2001, 20092).The listing does not comprise printed music, discography, videography or relevant reviews. The sources of information used by the author were digital repositories and databases, as well as printed bibliographies and private communications, still crucial to track down works of limited visibility. Also in this respect it is hoped that the Centro di Documentazione per gli Studi Belliniani in Catania (Italy) might also work as a network center dedicated to Vincenzo Bellini.


Bibliography update – 2001-2016 – Stephen Willier

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DOI: 10.17422/ISSN.2283-8716/1014