Vincenzo Bellini, I Capuleti e i Montecchi

Marco Beghelli


Considering a score that needs a strong interpretative approach, this review analyzes two recent audio-video productions of Vincenzo Bellini’s I Capuleti e i Montecchi. Recorded live in San Francisco in 2012, the first one enhances Vincent Boussard’s physical, atemporal production, conceived for the talent of Joyce DiDonato; while the second one, recorded live in Rieti two years later, is worth of consideration for the use of historic instruments (Fabio Biondi conducts the Europa Galante orchestra). The author discusses the use of a forte-piano, played by Paola Poncet, and a harp for the thorough-bass, as well as the ‘intermitting fidelity’ to the vocal parts.


I Capuleti e i Montecchi – dvd review – cd review – Vincent Boussard – Joyce DiDonato – Riccardo Frizza – Fabio Biondi – Europa Galante

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DOI: 10.17422/ISSN.2283-8716/1016